Today, WhatsApp announced that it has signed a multi-year agreement with Mercedes-AMG F1 to become the official messaging partner. Earlier this year, Qualcomm signed an agreement with Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team to make use of the power of Snapdragon technology.
In September, Mercedes-AMG F1 was an early adopter of the new WhatsApp Channels broadcast feature, to share with fans behind-the-scenes experiences, insights, and realities of preparing for race weekends and fighting for podiums, said the company.
The new partnership was announced exclusively via the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team WhatsApp Channel.
WhatsApp and the Team have signed this new partnership on the eve of the Las Vegas Grand Prix. There will be plenty of fun surprises for fans both in Las Vegas and watching from home, with exclusive and bespoke content planned across the weekend, said the company.
Commenting on the partnership, Toto Wolff, CEO and Team Principal, the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team, said:
WhatsApp plays a critical role in communications across everything we do at Mercedes-AMG F1. From coordinating our operations, sharing ideas, and supporting one another through the journey of each season, it brings the team closer together. It also helps accelerate the speed of communication and decision-making across the organization. As two innovative and forward-thinking brands, I can’t think of a more natural partnership. We look forward to working with WhatsApp and bringing the breadth of our stories to life in innovative and original ways.
Will Cathcart, Head of WhatsApp, said:
We’ve been amazed at how the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team relies on WhatsApp to keep the organization running. The leadership and values they have demonstrated to push motorsport forward for years have been inspiring. I’m proud we’ll work together to reveal how WhatsApp brings their team together and fans closer to the action.