Netflix StreamFest Launching In India On December 5-6, Watch Netflix For Free Without Subscription Or Card Details

Recently, Netflix announced that it will offer free access plan for a duration of a weekend for Indian users to boost user sign-ups. Now it has announced StreamFest for an entire weekend (December 5th and 6th) that will offer free access to Netflix content for two days without any subscription.

How to watch Netflix for free during the StreamFest?

  •  Go to (or download the Android app)
  • Sign up with your name, email or phone number, and password
  • Start streaming for 2 days during the StreamFest

This is completely free, and doesn’t require any credit or debit card or any payment, said Netflix. You can visit and set a reminder with your email or phone number, and you will be notified when the StreamFest is live.

Anyone who signs in during StreamFest gets one stream in standard definition — so, no one else can use the same login information to stream.  You can also access all the features that are available for paid members. However, Netflix said that it will limit the number of StreamFest viewers. So during StreamFest, some might see a message saying “StreamFest is at capacity”, so you will need to wait before you start streaming.

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