Today, Google introduced its Pixel 4a smartphone after several delays and also announced that it will be available in India in October. In addition, the company also confirmed its upcoming Pixel 4a 5G version which will be priced at $499 (Rs. 37,530 approx.) and Pixel 5 will be introduced this fall, which is around September or October.
However, the company confirmed that it won’t launch these 5G phones in India. The company did not launch the Pixel 4 series in India due to Project Soli, a radar-based gesture control technology that uses 60GHz frequency that is locked in India.
These 5G phones will be available in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, and Australia. Brian Rakowski, VP, Product Management, Google said that the company will share more about these 5G devices and their approach to 5G in the coming months.
In a statement the company said:
Regarding the two new 5G Pixel phones that were announced globally today, these will not be available in India or Singapore, based on a variety of factors including local market trends and product features. We remain deeply committed to our current Pixel phones and look forward to bringing future Pixel devices to these countries.
Source: Google India