Google recently dropped the Android 11 Beta finally and in the announcement blog or videos of the release, the company has used a sleek looking wallpaper that is not included in the release. Today, we shared that wallpaper so you can download it on your device.
If you watch Google’s developer-focused videos for new features in Android 11 or even some of the official assets the company handed out to press, there’s a slick purple/blue wallpaper. It’s not uncommon by any means for Google to release a new stock wallpaper alongside a new version of Android, but in this case, the wallpaper has been pretty elusive.
If you install the Android 11 Beta on a Google Pixel smartphone, this new wallpaper simply isn’t present except on OnePlus 8.
Keep in mind, this version which was extracted is not of very high quality, only at 1080p. With that in mind, we’re leaving the information regarding an artist’s re-creation intact below.
A user named @Arthur1992aS recently posted on Twitter a re-creation of the Android 11 Beta wallpaper, bringing in the same colors and shape to really embody the original work. The colors are a bit off, but they’re really close! Unless you look side-by-side, they’re essentially identical.
So enjoy! The designer is hosting the 3168 x 1440 wallpaper. You will find all the links below.
Download: Recreation | Original