Now, WhatsApp has restricted status videos to 15 seconds in India. You will no longer be able to upload videos longer than 15 seconds. This is a temporary move to reduce the server traffic since a lot of people have started sharing videos in status after the recent lockdown in the country.
Left: Old 30 Sec Status / Right: New 15 Sec Status (Picture Courtesy: Fonearena) |
While most internet servers have said that they are braced to handle the traffic and pressure that is going to come in from a sharp rise in daily usage from people stuck at home and also those who are working from home.
This week, streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar, Facebook and other video streaming services in India started lowering video quality from HD to SD quality when content is streamed over cellular connections. YouTube has already made Standard Definition (480p) as the default for streaming content worldwide, including India until April 14, but you can change it to HD once it starts playing.
Source: WABetaInfo
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