Google yesterday confirmed that the Google Pixel and Pixel XL will get one final software update in December. As of yesterday, it looked like the original Pixel was done getting updates, as Google released its November security update for most Pixel phones, but nothing for the Pixel or Pixel XL.
According to Google, the Pixels won’t get the November update, but it says December’s “encapsulates a variety of updates” from the November and December updates that were issued for other Pixels.
It wasn’t too surprising to see that Google’s original Pixels didn’t get the November update. When Google announced the phones in 2016, the company said they would get two years of guaranteed Android version updates and three years of security updates, which is also reflected on Google’s support page.
Google surprised Pixel owners earlier this year by letting them run Android 10, which is one more year of Android than Google originally promised, and now, they have one final update to look forward to as well.
Source: TheVerge
Source: TheVerge