Less than a month after PUBG Lite for PC beta version was launched for the Indian users, Tencent Games has released the lite version of its PUBG Mobile in the country. The India launch of the game comes almost a year after PUBG Mobile Lite made its debut in the Google Play for users in the Philippines. PUBG Mobile Lite has been developed keeping in the mind the low-end smartphones.
Indian users can now download the PUBG Mobile Lite from Google Play Store for free and start playing the game. According to Tencent Games, the game has been built with Unreal Engine 4, same as the PUBG Mobile, but it is more optimized for devices with less than 2GB of RAM. It also comes with a smaller map made for 60 players, unlike the 100 in PUBG Mobile.
The India launch of the PUBG Mobile Lite coincides with version 0.12.0 update for the game, which brings a new weapon “RPG-7”, new vehicle “Buggy”, three new locations, and more. The increase in the number of players in the Classic mode to 60 is also part of the latest update. The number of players was earlier limited to 40.
Although Tencent says the game has an installation pack of just 400MB, the total size of the downloaded game comes to around 491MB.
Indian users can now download the PUBG Mobile Lite from Google Play Store for free and start playing the game. According to Tencent Games, the game has been built with Unreal Engine 4, same as the PUBG Mobile, but it is more optimized for devices with less than 2GB of RAM. It also comes with a smaller map made for 60 players, unlike the 100 in PUBG Mobile.
The India launch of the PUBG Mobile Lite coincides with version 0.12.0 update for the game, which brings a new weapon “RPG-7”, new vehicle “Buggy”, three new locations, and more. The increase in the number of players in the Classic mode to 60 is also part of the latest update. The number of players was earlier limited to 40.
Although Tencent says the game has an installation pack of just 400MB, the total size of the downloaded game comes to around 491MB.
A brief look at the PUBG Mobile Lite revealed that the players will get only two server options in the form of Asia and South America, unlike six in PUBG Mobile. The number of game modes is also limited to just two – Classic and Arcade with just one map each. Also, first-person play is not supported in the lite version.
The lighter version of the game comes with some features that are claimed to make the mobile gaming experience similar to the original PUBG Mobile game. The features include:
Enhanced Aim Assist: There is a new auxiliary aim assist that is said to make aiming simpler and is useful when a user is playing in weak network environments. The intensity differs between the crawling and standing positions, thereby hoping to simplify controls.
Upgrade to ‘Winner Pass’: In the Lite version of the game, 'Winner Pass' replaces 'Royale Pass', and the company says that it will have much faster achievement unlocks. The pass will last a month, and users will be rewarded with new skins, new clothes, etc after they complete a task.Bullet trail adjustment: PUBG Mobile Lite will feature increased bullet speed with no bullet drop effect. The developers say that this is done for taking a clearer shot, which is specially made to account for weak network environments.Weapon recoil suppression: The adherence mechanism also suppresses the weapon recoil to a certain amount, which facilitates game control and makes for a better experience in weak networks. Different guns have different gun pressure effects, highlighting the different experience of each weapon.Extended ‘Time to Kill’: The update will also appropriately increase the ‘Time to Kill’. This is aimed at enhancing players’ survivability during firefights and encouraging aggressive game play.Location display: The map will expose a shooter within the mini-map’s range,. The developers say that this provides simplified battle info, thereby increasing battle speed.Heal yourself while moving: Players will now be able to heal themselves in all stances except for when they are prone. This will be useful in high-latency conditions, where movement actions might inhibit the healing mechanic in game. The developers hope that this will help speed up the game pace and increase survivability.Building areas/supplies optimisation: Complementing the smaller maps, building density and loot frequency has been increased to expedite the looting process and enhance the battle progression. The game will also feature optimised map quality and the parachute loading screen.RPG and new firearm integration: With the Lite version, players will now get to experience a new weapon in selected game modes, allowing them a chance to form new attack and defense tactics.
You can download game from Play Store or use the link below: