The budget kings are back! In an event held this morning in New Delhi, Motorola officially launched their 2018 budget lineup of smartphones into the Indian market, including the Moto G6 and Moto G6 Play. The Moto G6 starts at about 13,999 Rupees which currently translates into around $210; while the Play variant costs a bit less - starting at 11,999 Rupees which is around $180.
Both the smartphones are pretty similar in terms of specifications and design, and offer a generous, 2018-approved 5.7" 18:9 display, as well as 3GB RAM + 32GB ROM variant for the base models. The standard G6 has a slightly better processor and can be purchased with a 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM varirant, whereas the G6 Play outshines in the battery department - packing in a massive 4,000mAh battery for that extra endurance, versus the 3,000mAh one found on the G6.
Both smartphones also ship with a relatively clean version of Android 8.0 out-of-the-box to provide a great user experience. While it would have been great to see them ship with the latest stable release of Android (8.1), we should hopefully see a software update soon in the future.
The Moto G6 and G6 Play also come with a new facial recognition system to be able to unlock the devices using the front 5MP and 8MP sensors on the two devices, respectively. This is similar to Apple's Face ID tech on the iPhone X, but not as secure.
You can buy the Moto G6 on Amazon and the Moto G6 Play on Flipkart tonight, June 5th at 12:00AM IST.
Both the smartphones are pretty similar in terms of specifications and design, and offer a generous, 2018-approved 5.7" 18:9 display, as well as 3GB RAM + 32GB ROM variant for the base models. The standard G6 has a slightly better processor and can be purchased with a 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM varirant, whereas the G6 Play outshines in the battery department - packing in a massive 4,000mAh battery for that extra endurance, versus the 3,000mAh one found on the G6.
Both smartphones also ship with a relatively clean version of Android 8.0 out-of-the-box to provide a great user experience. While it would have been great to see them ship with the latest stable release of Android (8.1), we should hopefully see a software update soon in the future.
The Moto G6 and G6 Play also come with a new facial recognition system to be able to unlock the devices using the front 5MP and 8MP sensors on the two devices, respectively. This is similar to Apple's Face ID tech on the iPhone X, but not as secure.
You can buy the Moto G6 on Amazon and the Moto G6 Play on Flipkart tonight, June 5th at 12:00AM IST.