If WhatsApp is your primary messaging app then you will be happy today. WhatsApp is getting a pair of neat, new features in the latest update – voice recording lock and in-app YouTube video playback. These features are rolling out on the WhatsApp stable channel on iOS and are also live in WhatsApp beta for Android, version 2.18.102.
The voice recording lock allows users to record voice messages without having to hold down the record button. All you need to do is simply "latch" the lock by sliding the voice recording icon up. This means you can now hold your phone any which way you want, without having to keep your thumb on the icon while recording a voice message.
As for in-app YouTube playback, up until now you'd simply get a link when someone sent you a YouTube video and you'd have to tap it so it could open in the YouTube app. Well, no more. In a similar fashion to Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp now allows for YouTube videos to be played within chats. You can even pop them out with picture-in-picture support.
If you're an Android user and want to play with the new features, you'd need to join the official Play Store WhatsApp beta program or you can download the APK from APKMirror below :
The voice recording lock allows users to record voice messages without having to hold down the record button. All you need to do is simply "latch" the lock by sliding the voice recording icon up. This means you can now hold your phone any which way you want, without having to keep your thumb on the icon while recording a voice message.
As for in-app YouTube playback, up until now you'd simply get a link when someone sent you a YouTube video and you'd have to tap it so it could open in the YouTube app. Well, no more. In a similar fashion to Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp now allows for YouTube videos to be played within chats. You can even pop them out with picture-in-picture support.
If you're an Android user and want to play with the new features, you'd need to join the official Play Store WhatsApp beta program or you can download the APK from APKMirror below :