Google Chrome v64 Brings Parallel Download Feature To Accelerate Download Speeds

Google Chrome is one of the most popular browser whether it is Android, iOS or any other operating system. And with each update, Google is making it better. Today, a new feature is rolling out to Chrome 64 and above which is called parallel download. This feature accelerates download speeds by creating parallel jobs to handle the download.

According to the commit, the parallel download feature is activated when a download is active for longer than 2 seconds. The feature creates 3 parallel jobs to speed up the download. The commit mentions that the feature will be enabled for 100% of users running Chrome version 64 and above. That means anyone running one of Chrome Dev, Chrome Canary, or a nightly Chromium build will have this feature enabled by default, with Chrome Beta and Chrome Stable to follow sometime afterwards.

This feature is already in Chrome Beta but hidden, you can enable the flag by copying and pasting this line into your address bar.

Downloading larger files such as ROM zips and other are noticeabally faster. This flag was added 3 months ago and Google did a lot of internal testing and decided to push it to the stable channel of Google Chrome. but after undergoing lots of internal testing, it appears that the feature is in a state where Google feels it is ready to be enabled for all users. 

Let us know if you notice a difference with this feature enabled.

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