Essential Phone PH-1 Will Get EIS, Project Treble, Double Tap To Wake Feature In Future

Andy Rubin's Essential startup isn't playing that well but they are very determined to the user's experience and not backing down. In their latest Reddit AMA, it discusses the latest features coming to the Essential Phone, and there are some fun goodies in store.

Many people are still wondering about the PH-1's camera quality. Essential has put a lot of work into making the camera better and while it’s still not fully fixed it, things are certainly improving.

A lot of users asked whether they have planned for improving video, specifically when it comes to implementing EIS (electronic image stabilization). Thankfully, this is indeed on the company’s roadmap, but there’s no ETA as of yet.

Also, good news for those who owns this device regareding on the information of Android Oreo and Project Treble. Essential was more than happy to confirm that the second beta for Oreo on the Essential Phone will actually be coming next week, but Project Treble won’t be arriving with 8.0. Rather, the company is holding that one for its coming Android 8.1 upgrade. It’s also worth noting that users on the 8.0 beta 1 will receive an OTA to beta 2.

The Essential also going to add “double tap to wake.” in their latest update. Unfortunately, this feature has no ETA just yet. And regarding the touchscreen responsiveness, here is what they say :

We are working diligently on it. As we mentioned in our previous AMAs It’s a challenging issue to resolve given our touch panel HW 60hz sample rate. Because of this, there are trade offs in software we are investigating to improve latency without affecting overall touch performance. We want to make sure we get this right and not introduce new touch problems with a hasty fix but I can assure you its an issues our engineering and touch partners are working with us daily to resolve.
You can catch up on all of Essential’s answers over on the original AMA thread over on Reddit. I think this is how the phone should have launched because they are doing everything to make the users happy, plus all the price cuts. Let us know what do you think about this phone?

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