Recently, Sony launched a new Red Colored variant of its Xperia XZ Premium phone. Japan was the first country to get this color and previously there was no information whether this color variant will ever come to other countries. Well, today is the day when this color variant is now available outside Japan as the model is now listed on the company's Malaysia website as well.
Sadly, it's not available to purchase yet. But the listing alone confirms that the variant will soon be available in other markets as well. As you'd expect, the red Xperia XZ Premium has same internals as other color options.
In Japan, it's set to go on sale October 27.
Source : Sony
Sadly, it's not available to purchase yet. But the listing alone confirms that the variant will soon be available in other markets as well. As you'd expect, the red Xperia XZ Premium has same internals as other color options.
In Japan, it's set to go on sale October 27.
Source : Sony