It's 2017 and emojis are important, while there are so many emojis which are missing in WhatsApp app which are supported on Android 8.0 and Apple's latest OS. The monocle, star eyes, swearing face, vomiting face, shushing face, exploding head, and many more were still missing from WhatsApp even when the app revamped its entire emojis early this month and introduced its own set.
Today, WhatsApp Beta 2.17.397 update adds all of these missing emojis, before you could receive but you couldn't send them and now you can.
These new emojis are in Emojipedia's list of new 2017 emojis and depicted in the image at the top of this post excluding the long-nose emoji (oops, sorry!). There are some new facial expression like a bearded guy and a woman wearing a headscarf, a breastfeeding mother, people doing yoga, a brain emoji, fantasy emojis for zombies and elves and mermaids and vampires and mages, food emojis like broccoli and pretzel and dumpling and sandwich, clothing emojis like scarf and socks, flags for England and Scotland and Wales, a giraffe and a zebra and... T-Rex. T-Rexes are cool.
If you want to check the new emojis, you need to be on the latest WhatsApp Beta 2.17.397 which you can grab from APK Mirror or from the Play Store if you are in the beta program.
Today, WhatsApp Beta 2.17.397 update adds all of these missing emojis, before you could receive but you couldn't send them and now you can.
These new emojis are in Emojipedia's list of new 2017 emojis and depicted in the image at the top of this post excluding the long-nose emoji (oops, sorry!). There are some new facial expression like a bearded guy and a woman wearing a headscarf, a breastfeeding mother, people doing yoga, a brain emoji, fantasy emojis for zombies and elves and mermaids and vampires and mages, food emojis like broccoli and pretzel and dumpling and sandwich, clothing emojis like scarf and socks, flags for England and Scotland and Wales, a giraffe and a zebra and... T-Rex. T-Rexes are cool.
If you want to check the new emojis, you need to be on the latest WhatsApp Beta 2.17.397 which you can grab from APK Mirror or from the Play Store if you are in the beta program.