Recently, WhatsApp started testing a new feature which is an album feature when we send multiple photos in an chat window. The album feature which is being tested is similar to how Facebook displays multiple photos.
Before, when you send multiple photos they all comes in separate images in WhatsApp. This new feature changes that in the future. WhatsApp is currently testing this feature in the iOS app (version 2:17:20) in which the albums pops. We should be getting this same feature on WhatsApp beta as well for Android soon.
This new feature was discovered by folks at WABetaInfo, and shares some screenshots of the album feature. As you can see in the screenshot below, the album function displays a preview of three photos plus a faded photograph with the text of number of pictures that have been sent or present in the album.
You can tap and picture to open that image to the '+' sign to open the album. The display of the album resembles Facebook multiple picture albums. Recently, Instagram also rolled out similar feature which can make multiple pictures in a scrolling image. In WhatsApp, it will automatically create an album if five or more photos being sent or received.
In the near future we can expect more features for WhatsApp. We'll let you know when the feature will drop in. Till then, stay tuned!
Before, when you send multiple photos they all comes in separate images in WhatsApp. This new feature changes that in the future. WhatsApp is currently testing this feature in the iOS app (version 2:17:20) in which the albums pops. We should be getting this same feature on WhatsApp beta as well for Android soon.
This new feature was discovered by folks at WABetaInfo, and shares some screenshots of the album feature. As you can see in the screenshot below, the album function displays a preview of three photos plus a faded photograph with the text of number of pictures that have been sent or present in the album.
You can tap and picture to open that image to the '+' sign to open the album. The display of the album resembles Facebook multiple picture albums. Recently, Instagram also rolled out similar feature which can make multiple pictures in a scrolling image. In WhatsApp, it will automatically create an album if five or more photos being sent or received.
In the near future we can expect more features for WhatsApp. We'll let you know when the feature will drop in. Till then, stay tuned!