In case you missed it, LG has finally unveiled its latest flagship smartphone, the LG G6. Although the recent barrage of rumors and leaks have left little to the imagination from today’s reveal, this is still an exciting smartphone.
Why, you may be asking? For starters, it comes with the latest and greatest specs under the hood, including a Snapdragon 821 chipset, 4GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, microSD expansion, dual 13MP cameras and a big 3,300mAh battery. To top it all off, the G6 also sports a 5.7-inch Quad HD LCD display with a unique 18:9 aspect ratio. There are a ton of reasons why LG chose to make the display taller, but the main reason is that it’s easier to fit in one hand.
If you’re not planning on buying one of these bad boys but would still like to add some G6 flair to your current phone, downloading the stock LG G6 wallpapers should do the trick. LG included a handful of Material Design-style wallpapers this time around, along with some landscape images and a few others.
They might look like they won’t be a good fit for your smartphone due to the weird 18:9 aspect ratio, but they’re at a high enough resolution that zooming in a bit won’t mess anything up.
Why, you may be asking? For starters, it comes with the latest and greatest specs under the hood, including a Snapdragon 821 chipset, 4GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, microSD expansion, dual 13MP cameras and a big 3,300mAh battery. To top it all off, the G6 also sports a 5.7-inch Quad HD LCD display with a unique 18:9 aspect ratio. There are a ton of reasons why LG chose to make the display taller, but the main reason is that it’s easier to fit in one hand.
If you’re not planning on buying one of these bad boys but would still like to add some G6 flair to your current phone, downloading the stock LG G6 wallpapers should do the trick. LG included a handful of Material Design-style wallpapers this time around, along with some landscape images and a few others.
They might look like they won’t be a good fit for your smartphone due to the weird 18:9 aspect ratio, but they’re at a high enough resolution that zooming in a bit won’t mess anything up.