Swiftkey Makes All Themes Free on Android and iOS

Yesterday, Swiftkey announces that themes in their Android and iOS keyboards are now all free. In addition to themes now being offered for free, the company has added some new themes, too. 

The new “Vivid” family of themes (pictured above) consists of bright colors, which will certainly make your keyboard stand out from the rest.

If you happen to be using the SwiftKey app for Android, you can access all of the optional, and free, themes by tapping or sliding on the hamburger menu on the left of the prediction bar, which will take you to the SwiftKey Hub. From there, tap on the Themes panel, then the ‘SwiftKey Store’ to check out all of the themes.

The SwiftKey app itself turned from a paid to a free app a couple years ago, and it appears that this move to ditch charging for themes could be a result of the company being acquired by Microsoft earlier this year. In other words, the app no longer really needs any extra charges under the wing of its parent company to support itself.

Are you glad you don’t have to pay for themes anymore with SwiftKey? Which theme is your favorite?

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