Google's New Trusted Contacts App Lets You Share Your Location With Loved Ones

Google's newly launched Trusted Contacts app is not your usual security Android app. The search giant targets a specific type of Android users, so don't expect Trusted Contacts to be very complex app that should protect your phone/tablet from unwanted intrusions.

The new app designed to help you share your location with the people that you trust. With Trusted Contacts, you can add your closest friends and family members, and allow them to request your location at any time.

When a trusted contact requests your location, you can either accept or deny the request. But if you don't respond, your location is automatically shared — and because it ties into your Google location history, your phone doesn't need to be switched on for this to work.

You can also directly ping your trusted contacts with your current location if necessary. And your approved trusted contacts can also see your activity details — like your battery level, and how recently you were active.

Apps like this can really be useful, providing safety and satisfaction to the loved ones, specially for parents. 
Trusted Contacts is available today on the Google Play Store for free, and works on phones running Android 4.1 and up.

Right now, we don't have the APK. We'll update the post with the APK when we have it. Till then you can use the Play Store link below and tell your family and friends to do so too, because this is the kind of app where by the time you wish you had it, it could already be too late.
Source : Google

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