As we all know that Facebook owns Instagram and the world's most popular messaging app WhatsApp. So, now WhatsApp decided to add a new feature which is straight up copied feature from one of its competitor, Snapchat. Recently, Instagram introduced Instagram Stories, a direct Snapchat Stories competitor which clearly shows the rivalry between these companies.
So, the company following that fashion and testing out a new “Status” feature which allows you to share images and videos to your contact list for a limited period of time, just like Snapchat. You can also doodle on the images or videos, add emojis, text. Which shouldn't be a new feature to you if you’re a Snapchat user.
The new feature seems to replace the Contacts tab in WhatsApp’s top navigation menu. The new Status bar is currently available on WhatsApp’s latest beta version 2.16.336, though it’s hidden from regular users. To use it, you have to do a search in the Settings menu, but please keep in mind that in order to test it out for yourself, you will need a rooted device.
As of now, this feature is being tested and with enough positive feedback, maybe WhatsApp will add it in the stable release of the app. As always, we’ll keep you posted when we hear more.
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Source : WABetaInfo | FirstPost
So, the company following that fashion and testing out a new “Status” feature which allows you to share images and videos to your contact list for a limited period of time, just like Snapchat. You can also doodle on the images or videos, add emojis, text. Which shouldn't be a new feature to you if you’re a Snapchat user.
The new feature seems to replace the Contacts tab in WhatsApp’s top navigation menu. The new Status bar is currently available on WhatsApp’s latest beta version 2.16.336, though it’s hidden from regular users. To use it, you have to do a search in the Settings menu, but please keep in mind that in order to test it out for yourself, you will need a rooted device.
As of now, this feature is being tested and with enough positive feedback, maybe WhatsApp will add it in the stable release of the app. As always, we’ll keep you posted when we hear more.
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Source : WABetaInfo | FirstPost