Android N Name Reveal Coming in a “Few Weeks”

While an Android N Developer Preview has been publicly available since March, Google has yet to decide on the final name that this new iteration of its OS will have. Fret not, though, as Google today said that the name will be finally unveiled "in a few weeks." 
Not long ago, Google put up a web page asking for Android users - or anybody, really - to submit Android N's name ideas. We're not sure if Google will choose a name that's been suggested by users, or one that the folks in charge of Android have already thought about. In any case, the wait should be over sometime later this month.

There are plenty of sweet names that Android N could get - including famous ones like Nutella or Nougat, or others that aren't that well known around the globe, like Neyyappam. As you may know, Google always named Android versions after sweet foods - so, even though we're seeing suggestions like Nachos or Norwegian Smoked Salmon, these are (almost certainly) not going to be taken into consideration. 

What do you think the final name will be?

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