Nexus Factory Images For March Security Updates Are Now Available

Nexus Factory Images For March Security Updates Are Now Available

It’s a little late in the month compared to what we’re used to, but Google has dropped the March security update for Nexus devices. The updates are still Android 6.0.1 (or 5.1.1 for those which didn’t receive Marshmallow, such as the Nexus 10) but they contain code that’ll make your device a bit more secure up against the many vulnerabilities that are discovered.

Also according to the posted security bulletin, there are 16 fixes in total, almost evenly split between issues rated at either Critical or High severity, along with a couple of Moderate items to close out the list. Many items on the list are still closing up holes in the mediaserver, stagefright, and related libraries, but a few are also there to cover potential attacks over Bluetooth and WiFi, one to close up a possible invalid certificate vulnerability, and another to close up a weakness in the setup wizard.

Google posted a full report on which vulnerabilities were found and fixed in this update, so be sure to check it out right here if you’re curious. Those looking for the factory images can park it right here. No word on when the OTA is going out, but it shouldn’t be long now.

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