[APK] Google+ 7.0.0 Update Brings Major Bug Fixes and More

When Google updated their Google+ app in the November it came with a big overhaul and lot of bugs. It may have taken a couple of months, but an update to the Android version of G+ is ready to address some. 

For one, the bottom tab bar will now hide when scrolling. We’re talking about that odd new permanent bar at the bottom of your feed with buttons for Home, Collections, Communities, and Notifications. Yeah, that weird black thing that doesn’t seem to follow any Google design guideline. It hides!

The update also allows for the app to remember you position when you return back to it, display autocomplete suggestions when you search, and at least 69 other bug fixes.

The full list of changes:

  • 69 bugs fixed
  • 14 accessibility issues addressed
  • Automatically hide the bottom tab bar when scrolling (note: not on Notifications screen yet)
  • The home stream now remembers your position when you return to it (after going to a different screen like Notifications)
  • Search now displays autocomplete suggestions as you type
  • If you have no Collections or Communities visible on your profile, we include a prompt for you to add one

The update should be coming your way soon if you are an Android user. You can go to the Google Play Store or you can sideload by installing the APK from link below:

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