While Qualcomm already announced its quad-core, 14nm Snapdragon 820 chipset, devices using it will only be commercially available starting next year. Needless to say, we're expecting plenty of important flagship smartphones to be based on the Snapdragon 820, and it looks like even some Galaxy S7 variants will use Qualcomm's new - and definitely powerful - chipset.
According to Chinese analyst Pan Jiutang, one of next year's high-end handsets that will be powered by the Snapdragon 820 could be a next-generation Huawei-made Nexus (which is unlikely to be unveiled before the second half of 2016). As you may know, this year's Nexus 6P is the first to be manufactured by Huawei, and the device has been well received by most customers.
Save for the fact that it should feature a Snapdragon 820 processor, there are no details about the alleged second-generation Huawei Nexus smartphone. However, we wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be a large metal-made handset (just like the Nexus 6P, which is based on Qualcomm's Snapdragon 810 chipset).
Not long ago, we heard that Huawei might also be the maker of a new Nexus 7 tablet that's supposed to be released sometime in 2016, so things could get really interesting for the Chinese company come next year.
Source : gsmarena