Recently Android lead Hiroshi Lockheimer has revealed that Unicode’s new set of emoji will finally debut on Nexus devices starting next week. He also revealed that Google was able to share the fonts and tech details with OEMs, giving them the ability to include in future Android updates as well.
Look! New emoji coming to #Nexus next week. Fonts and tech details shared with OEMs to include in their updates too.
— Hiroshi Lockheimer (@lockheimer) December 3, 2015
For those that need a refresher, Unicode 7.0 was the diversity themed update that allowed users to choose the color of specific human emoji, while Unicode 8.0 (the latest release), introduced new emotions like the middle finger, animals like the unicorn, and food items like the taco. I guess you can say it was a pretty big deal.Just keep in mind that most OEMs like HTC and Samsung all theme up emojis with their own designs, so who knows how long it’ll be before you see these new ones pop up on those devices. In the meantime, you’ll just have to stare at blank boxes like this 🌠and wonder what it is your friends are talking about. Unless, of course, you own a Nexus device.
Source : Twitter