Chrome v39 Shows Desired Colored Headers in Android Lollipop

Chrome version 39 is, according to the guys from Androidpolice support Android 5.0 a custom title bar. One of the new features in Android Lollipop is that the Chrome browser can show individual pages as an extra tab in the Recents Menu. For a little tuning here is visually possible, offers the Chrome browser from version 39 on Android 5.0 Lollipop the option to manipulate the title bar with a small command optically. The changing look is achieved by the simple add a tag within the <head> section:
<Meta name = "theme-color" content = "# 3F51B5">
That's enough - and you will stand out in the #FARBE the title bar of the other sites this page. Also new in Chrome v39 is the support of high-resolution favicon. I personally find these colored strips great.

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