There has been tons of rumors and speculations about Android L’s official name. Just prior to the event, it was speculated that Google will call the next major version of Android “Lollipop”.
As we all know that didn't happen, as Google did not announce the official name, and instead called the preview release “Android L.” +Artem Russakovskii has an interesting theory behind why Google may have decided not to announce the name until the final builds.
Also there are references in the SDK and documentations, which seems to indicate that the internal code name is “LMP” which most likely stands for “Lemon Meringue Pie.”
Here is the the test build which is labeled as “lmp-preview-release”:
<!– From: file:/usr/local/google/buildbot/repo_clients/https___googleplex-android.googlesource.com_a_platform_manifest.git/lmp-preview-release/frameworks/support/v7/cardview/res/values/colors.xml –>
<eat-comment />
<color name=”cardview_dark_background”>#FF202020</color>
<color name=”cardview_light_background”>#FFFAFAFA</color>
<color name=”cardview_shadow_end_color”>#03000000</color>
<color name=”cardview_shadow_start_color”>#37000000</color>
<!– From: file:/usr/local/google/buildbot/repo_clients/https___googleplex-android.googlesource.com_a_platform_manifest.git/lmp-preview-release/frameworks/support/v7/cardview/res/values/attrs.xml –>
<eat-comment />
<declare-styleable name=”CardView”>
<!– Background color for CardView. –>
<attr name=”cardBackgroundColor” format=”color” />
<!– Corner radius for CardView. –>
<attr name=”cardCornerRadius” format=”dimension” />
<!– From: file:/usr/local/google/buildbot/repo_clients/https___googleplex-android.googlesource.com_a_platform_manifest.git/lmp-preview-release/frameworks/support/v7/cardview/res/values/dimens.xml –>
<eat-comment />
<dimen name=”cardview_default_radius”>2dp</dimen>
<dimen name=”cardview_elevation”>2dp</dimen>
<dimen name=”cardview_shadow_size”>2dp</dimen>
<!– From: file:/usr/local/google/buildbot/repo_clients/https___googleplex-android.googlesource.com_a_platform_manifest.git/lmp-preview-release/frameworks/support/v7/cardview/res/values/styles.xml –>
<eat-comment />
The Wi-Fi certification for HTC ‘flounder’ Nexus tablet, which was discovered earlier in the week, also has references to LMP. As you can see in the screenshot below, you also get references to LMP when you search on the Android Open Source Project repository.
Android 4.4 was internally codenamed KLP or Key Lemon Pie, until Google surprised everyone by calling it KitKat. It will be interesting to see if Google will do the same thing this year.