Samsung Galaxy S III User Manual Available For Download

I’m not the read the instructions sort of person. Generally, I can pick up the device and just figure out the things I want to do with it easy enough. However, on some complex devices with lots of features, I and other people like me do have to resort to the user manual. I think the Galaxy S III smartphone is one of those devices I would definitely need to read the manual on.
The smartphone is packed with enough features and settings that you can literally write a book about them. If you’re thinking about getting the S III and want to figure out how complicated it would be to operate when it launches, you can download the user manual right now in PDF form. The manual is for the international version model number GT-i9300.
Be prepared to read though, the user manual is 181 pages. It goes over every little nuance of the smartphone. Interestingly, as Android Police points out, the manual notes that the device supports up to 32 GB microSD cards while Samsung mentioned 64 GB support previously. This could be an error in the manual or Samsung could have changed the specifications.

   Sid Goswami is a tech enthusiast, besides being an avid Android fan and blogger, Sid wants to be a photographer and an designer. He can usually be found reading through blogs, taking photos. He's a student and a PHP web developer.

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