Looking to root the HTC One X? Well, good thing for you, there is a simple method for the device that will help you achieve that goal quite simply. XDA Forum Moderator and Recognized Developer kennethpenn posted a one-click solution that will root your One X, install Busybox, and install the SuperSU application for rights management. The tool is said to work for AT&T, Rogers and other carrier variants of the device, and is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux.
Before you get started, you’ll want to make sure you have the latest HTC mobile phone drives installed on your computer, then head over to the original thread in the source link below for further instructions and a download link for the files you’ll need.
Of course, there’s only a handful of custom ROMs available for the device right now, and it looks like the bootloader won’t be getting unlocked anytime soon, but you can definitely gain root access and have access to apps that require such permissions, like Titanium Backup and Screencast, so there is at least some plus to all of it.
Anyhoo, let us know once you’ve managed to gain root. We’d love to hear how the one-click went for you. Source : OMGdroid