Google Maps App Updated To 6.7 - Brings Google Offers, Indoor Directions, 360 Panorama Views For Businesses

The Google Maps Android app has been updated to version 6.7, bringing some new important (and useful) features. You probably figured out what they are. Here's the changelog:
What's in this version:
  1. Discover nearby Google Offers in the US
  2. Indoor walking directions (Beta) for Japan and the US
  3. See 360° panoramas inside restaurants and stores

Google Offers has been having difficulty gaining traction in a market dominated by the Groupons and LivingSocials of the world, and Maps integration may be just what it needs to start getting a little respect. You can actually set it up so while you're in the maps app, Offers will let you know if the area you're hovering over contains any... Offers. Nifty.
The app now also features indoor directions and 360 panorama views of business that have opted in, which will certainly increase your efficiency (read: your girlfriend/wife's efficiency) at the mall.
Of course, these features all basically rely on Google having implemented them in your locale, so if you're outside a major city, you're probably out of luck. For now, I can find very few businesses in Los Angeles that have had indoor directions or 360 panorama views enabled.
Head over to the Play Store to download the new version, and check out this Google Mobile blog post for more info. Source : Android Police

Google Maps (Version 6.7)
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Sid Goswami
Besides being an avid Android fan and blogger, Sid wants to be a photographer and an designer. He can usually be found reading through blogs, taking photos. He's a student and a PHP web developer.

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